Body treatments

They are the set of elements or means that are used to improve, locate and evaluate the possible alterations of the body in order to overcome them. Our body is important, when we feel good about it we feel better in all aspects.


  • Increase in collagen production: Through different techniques, the activation of collagen production in skin cells is achieved. In this way we can make the skin look firmer.
  • Tension relief: With body treatments we relieve muscle tension and we manage to relax and improve the state of muscle fibers, disconnecting and achieving total relaxation.
  • Pain relief: Much of the population suffers from tiredness and chronic pain. Thanks to body treatments we can manage to alleviate these pains.
  • Circulation improvement: With body treatments we can improve the circulation of the whole body, since the flow of blood is favored and increased.
  • Accelerates metabolism: Thanks to moving the increased blood flow, the metabolism becomes more efficient. This is why the elimination of localized fat and fluid retention are associated with some types of massages and treatments such as mesotherapy or pressotherapy. All these body treatments also help body aesthetic medicine is to feel better with oneself in a better physical shape.
  • Improves self-esteem: Body aesthetic medicine is to feel better about yourself

Our body treatments


The treatment consists of the combined action of radiofrequency together with a deep rotational active massage with 7 different intensities.
Zionic sessions combine resistive radiofrequency and deep rotational active massage in a single machine.
Among the properties of this treatment we highlight that it is non-invasive, painless and has anti-cellulite, firming and slimming properties.

Relax message

Relaxing massages consist of performing superficial maneuvers in which the sensation of pain is lost and the muscles relax. Relaxing massages have the following benefits:
1 – They help reduce back and headache pain
2 – Reduce stress levels
3 – Reduce blood pressure and improve circulation
4 – Fight anxiety and depression
5 – They favor the elimination of toxins
6 – They decrease muscle tension and promote flexibility
7 – Reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome
We offer a 30/60 minute relaxing body massage based on specific essential oils.

body scrub

Body exfoliation is a treatment by which it is possible to eliminate dead cells that accumulate on the surface of the skin. As benefits we get to promote cell renewal, activate microcirculation and help drain, improve and oxygenate the dermis.
At Beauty Room By Erica Fernández we have a body exfoliation and hydration service that promotes skin renewal, improving its appearance by giving it softness.


Maderotherapy is a massage technique of oriental origin in which different wooden utensils are used to combat cellulite, shape and reaffirm the body. It has the advantages of:
1 – Promote blood circulation.
2 – Activates the lymphatic circulation.
3 – Firming and toning of the skin.
4 – Stimulates localized fat loss.
5 – It acts on the nervous system.
6 – Improvement of physical condition.

body radiofrequency

Equipment that achieves various effects on our body: firming, lipolytic action, tensor effect, circulatory… Combined with other body and facial treatments, it considerably increases its effectiveness.
1 – Among the benefits of body radiofrequency we highlight:
2 – Improves the appearance of the skin.
3 – Helps eliminate cellulite and flaccidity.
4 – Helps to eliminate excess localized fat.
5 – Improves circulation in the treated area.
6 – Eliminate excess toxins.
7 – Makes your skin smoother and brighter.

masaje, terapia, aromaterapia

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